A fantastic Journey through South-Mexico !!!

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Cholula, a suburb of Puebla. During conquest of Mexico Cortés, who feared an ambush at Cholula, executed a devastating attack where a large part of the population of city was killed. Later a plague epidemic ensured that Cholula changed in a poor village. But nowadays it is an attractive city. Especially by the many churches (about  70). Here you can see the Gran Pirámide of Tepanapa, the largest pyramid which is ever built in middle-America, meanwhile overgrown with vegetation. With regard to the basis it is the largest of the world. The temple which stood initially on the top has been destroyed by the Spaniards and replaced by a, in the 18th century built chapel, the Iglesia the Nuestra Señora de los Remedios. A mouth full.


There is an 8 kilometer long scheme of passages beneath the pyramid.


We entered at the front of the pyramid the passage and came out on another side of it. Here sat a man who made superb drawings with inlaid reed. He uses little colored reed rods to make the images this way. See upstairs.. Under you see a detail so that you can take a good look at the little reed rods.


Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios. Inside the church.


De climbing of the pyramid.


View from the pyramid.


We go to the little Indian church as seen below. The Santa María Tonantzintla, which have been designed and built by the domestic population. The church has been very nicely decorated, both at the inside and outside. In the inside each centimeter has been exploited for figurines, gold etc. We see there polychrome or gilded plaster ornaments: cherubs, flowers, fruit, tendrils, saints, rosettes and curls.



 Detail picture of the upper side of the altar.

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